My kitchen tip this week is the ONION BOWL. It's kind of a silly name actually, but that's what I've called it for 20 years. I have one Tupperware bowl that I designated as my onion bowl & that's all it contains. Onions. I learned early on that you can't just wrap a pratially used onion in plastic wrap & put it in the frig. If you do, everything in the frig will smell like onions, including things in the freezer! Ziplock bags work pretty well, but they are expensive. My m-i-l gave me this particular orange Tupperware bowl with lid, at least 20 years ago. It is just the perfect size for an onion too. So everytime I cook something & I only use part of an onion, the rest of the onion goes in the frig in this orange onion bowl to be used another day. This onion bowl NEVER holds anything else. Even if I scrub it in really HOT soapy water, I can still detect an onion scent. But that's ok. That's what this bowl is for. Onions.So find yourself a little bowl with a lid, & designate it your onion bowl, & you'll never have an onion smellin' frig again.
And I thought you might like to see how my thyme & parsley are doing. LOL It's now been TWO WEEKS since I put them in the glass of water to keep them fresh. The picture actually doesn't do it justice. It still looks fresh! I decided to just leave it in the glass of water to see just how long it will last. LOL....
I used to have one of these, but I don't know where it took off to. IT was a great item to have. :D
That is a great idea, usually I store my onions in two ziplock bags so they don't stink up the whole fridge. I am going to use your tip next time!
My mother still has hers. They are classics.
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