Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our Garden is In!

Thankfully! We have planted our garden! There has been so much rain here that we are behind on the planting. We could have planted earlier in the weekend, but we had something kind of big going on here.

Our daughter graduated from high school!

They had a big homeschool graduation on Saturday afternoon, & then the ladies at our church gave her a wonderful reception afterwords. It was really something special.

We started working on our garden on Memorial Day.
Here is the row of green peppers. We planted this row over by our 'not doing so well strawberries' & where we plant our cucumbers (they vine up that trellis).
Next to that we planted two rows of spinach. We have never planted spinach before. I love to try growing new things.
Here is the west end of our garden. Last year the corn was here, this year it's the tomatoes! It is three rows across the garden. And then we do have another row running longways. Boy, these tomato plants look so tiny.

Here's that big sage plant in my herb garden. I did read that you can let this thing bloom & it won't hurt anything. The blooms are very pretty & the bees love them. So once it's done blooming I'll trim it back.
Here's a picture of the herb garden. In this picture I still haven't done a thing to it
(but I did a lot to it this evening, just no pictures yet).
The thyme is also blooming. I'll do just like the sage, I'll let it bloom then trim it back.
The cilatnro is coming up all over the place! There was a lot of cilantro growing up in the middle of the regular garden....about 20 feet away from its little plot! I have already picked a bunch & have it hanging to dry. The cilantro plot is in the lower right hand corner. And in the dill. And in the camamile. And in the parsley. And in the chives. LOL
The bottom left is the parsley. I have already been picking it & using it in recipes.
The dill is on the far side & is coming up all over the place too. I love dill.

Here's another shot of just the cilantro.
Hello cilantro! I'll not let you go to seed this year before picking a bunch of you for drying. I have so much corriander seed & I don't know what to do with it. LOL

Tonight I did quite a bit of work in the herb garden.
I added a new little patch & planted oregano. This is new for me this year. I love oregano & cook with it a lot so I wanted to be sure and plant it this year.
I also added 1 fennel plant. I'll let it go to seed & harvest those. I love to add fennel seeds to pizza & to meatball sandwiches. YUM.

I also cleared all of the dill growing up in the basil spot. Basil is annual & so I have to re-plant.
Here is the dill weed-weeds that I pulled out of the basil patch.

That's a lot of dill already! I'll be using some of this fresh in the next few days & then drying the rest. I love dill in cucumber sauce. It's one of my favorite things.

I forgot to mention what we planted in the regular garden.

24 tomato plants
8 green pepper plants
4 broccoil plants
4 cabbage plants
4 cauliflower plants
1 jalapeno plant
4 chili plants (new for us)
3 rows of sweet corn
2 rows of green beans
1 row of radishes
2 small rows of spinach (new for us)
2 small rows of cucumbers
5 hills of zucchini
1/2 row onions
4 ice berg lettuce plants (new for us)

Oh, another thing, I found 8 broccoli plants coming up vonunteer! So I replanted them in the corner of the garden before my husband disced & tilled. A few got trampled by accident, but I do have 4 plants left. So I need to find a place to add those. It will be fun to see if they produce. I let one of the plants go to seed last fall & I meant to harvest the seed (I've never done that before & I'd like to learn).
I forgot & they froze, but I reckon some still fell to the ground & did what they are supposed to do!

I'll try not to stay away so long. We've just been so busy with graduation stuff, & other things that this site has suffered. I'll try to get online more! I have tons of food pictures that I have taken. I hope to get on here in the next few days & post my new hamburger buns that I've been making. Oh, they are SO GOOD!

1 comment:

  1. I always thought the sage and oregano was quite pretty when it bloomed and liked them because they were useful and attractive too! Glad to hear you got your garden in!
