Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Please Pray for Baby Caiden

Please pray for Baby Caiden.
He is the newborn I babysit for. He is very very sick.
He was hospitalized a few weeks ago for pneumonia. After a week of recovery from that, he got sick with some kind of virus. He ran a high fever this last weekend & was put back in the hospital Sunday evening. He was diagnosed with Broncialitis (sp?) & was on oxygen, breathing treatments, & prednisone.
I was called this morning & told that he had to be put on a ventilator last evening. Then he had an allergic reaction to some meds. He has been given meds to paralize his body so he won't fight them, & will be having an echo done on his heart to check for "microcardia-something".
I hate to even type this part.....but his mother was told that he might not make it.
Please put him on any prayer chains you have in your churches.
Thank you so much.


  1. Oh goodness! Bronchiolitis is what you were going for...I bet he has RSV as well. Poor baby. I'll be praying for him for sure!

  2. Thanks so much for you prayers,Tammy & Claire. I really appreciate them.

    You are right, Claire, I found out this afternoon that he does have RSV. I got an update this afternoon. They are weaning him off of the dopamine, but still keeping him in a drug incuced coma & he is still on the ventilator. He will be on it for at least a week. I am assuming this is to let his body rest so his little lungs can heal. The good news is that his echo of his heart was good! Praise the LORD for that!
    Thanks again for your prayers!!!

  3. So glad that the echo was good! You're right...putting infants on a ventilator when they have RSV is pretty "standard" if they get sick enough. Though it's not without risks, it is the best way for his lungs to heal b/c he won't be struggling for breath and the energy he has can be used for healing rather than only breathing. Continuing to pray!!!

  4. Thank you so much for your encouragement & prayers, Claire.
    I really appreciate it so much.
    And I know that you know your stuff in this area, so I really appreciate it!!!!
