I was making cookies this afternoon & I reached up for the brown sugar. As I grabbed the bag, I thought, "Hey, here's another tip."
I keep my brown sugar & powdered sugar in gallon sized zip-lock bags. I still keep them in their origonal bags, I just put the whole bag into a zip type bag. It keeps them fresher longer. Also, once these bags are opened, we usually close them by twisting the bag & then using a twist-tie. But with brown sugar, it seems like grains of brown sugar stick to the sides of the bag & they can be crumbly & somehow work themselves out of the bag. Well, keeping the whole bag in a zip type bag keeps crumbs from getting out & making a mess in your cabinet, which could attract bugs or ants or other yuck things.

You can see more kitchen tips over at Tammy's Recipes.
Good tips! On another blog I saw that you can heat hardened brown sugar in the microwave for a minute or too to soften if it.