Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Felicities

  • Knowing that a friend is coming to visit NEXT WEEK!
  • FRIDAYS FRIDAYS FRIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Obsessed by Ted, it was GOOD!
  • Discovering Mitford books, I just started the first one.
  • Green Beans
  • And, lastly....knowing we are going to buy a new vacuum cleaner!


  1. Hmmm... let me know what you think of the first Mitford book... I like to read series and I'm not reading any right now. I've been reading a lot of spiritual books (Rob Bell, Erwin McManus, Donald Miller, Andy Stanley) and I'd like a fiction break! =)

  2. Ohhhhhh I so love Mitford. Enjoy! Happy Weekend!

  3. I think you'll love the Mitford books. They are easy reads, and go quickly. I found them very heartwarming.

    Love all your garden pics. That cooked cabbage pic is mouthwatering!!
