Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Oops...I'm a day ahead of myself.


  1. What a beautiful dog! Looks like he is enjoying the day!

    Happy WW!

  2. He looks so content! Pretty dog!!

  3. Goodness, Jane, someone throw that ball for him! He's a beautiful dog!

  4. Thanks Lori!
    Man, Louis is so pretty. He's the one that was born the same day & within the same hour as C.
    He was actually taking a break from ball chasing. LOL C had been throwing it for them while we were putting the tomato cages in the garden. Louis likes to sit like that with the ball on top of his front paws, but you can't see it in the picture because of the grass. He was actually sitting there so majestically....watching Otto jump up & catch dandilions that C was throwing for him. LOL.....
