Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Beg, Borrow, or Steal
I have joined the newest reading challenge over at The Nattie Challenge.
I picked the book Prince Caspian by C.S.Lewis. We love the Chronicles of Narnia.
I started reading them to dd when she was 6 or 7 & she read them again on her own a few years later.
We enjoyed the movie that was made of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe so much, & we are really looking forward to the movie release of Prince Caspian this year!
I know this book is an easy & quick read, but it fits this challange since dd loaned me her copy of Prince Caspian so I could re-read it before the movie comes out. And since it is a quick read, I have already finished.
I enjoyed reading it again so much. I smiled & grinned through so much of this book. And I giggled out loud quite a few times. I had to explain to ds why I was laughing, so I read out loud to him the part where Bulgy Bear is telling Peter that he wants to be one of the marshals during the duel between High King Peter & Miraz. The dwarf Trumpkin is having a fit not wanting the bear to be one of the guards. He tells Peter, "He's a good creature, but he'll shame us all. He'll go to sleep & he will suck his paws. In front of the enemy too." LOL
But this being a 'marshal for the list' was always the right of bears in old Narnia, so he was allowed to do so. And he sucked his paws. LOL I laughed. I think I may have even held the book close to me as I giggled, & gave it a little hug. This is just the book I needed to read after the ruckus that went on in our lives last week.
Our son just turned 5, & is just not quite ready to sit & listen to a chapter book being read to him. But he will be soon, & I cannot wait to start reading The Chronicles of Narnia to him!
Oh, these are my favorite! Gabe just turned 3, so he's still a little too young, but maybe next year I can start reading them to him. =)