Saturday, December 8, 2007

Announcing the Holiday Bundle

**This is going to be a 'sticky' & stay at the top through Dec. 8. So scroll on down for any newer entries. **
There is a wonderful giveaway over at

I am supposed to write about a special memory. I'm a terrible writer, so just bear with me. lol
Well, I have 2 children, so I can't just write about one of them.
Both of my babies were born just weeks after Christmas. They are 12 years and 3 days apart.
My 1st was born on a cold, icy, Saturday morning less than 2 weeks after Christmas. We didn't call anyone when we left for the hospital because the weather was terrible & we knew we had plenty of time since it takes a long time to give birth to your 1st baby. Well, 2 hours after arriving at the hospital our beautiful daughter was born! Family members started arriving an hour or so later. :)
Then 12 years & 3 days later, our son was born. After a full day of babysitting 4 or 5 little ones, those familiar tummy squeezes were happening every 2-4 minutes, so we left quickly for the hospital! This time we called our family while we were on the way to the hospital. An hour after arriving, our wonderful son was born!
Our children are our biggest blessings, & their births are my fondest memories.


  1. Wow! Thank you for entering the Holiday Bundle and sharing those two precious memories! How sweet!

    So... you live in Indiana? May I ask in what part? And does your daughter have a blog?

    Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Such sweet memories and blessings! Birthdays only 3 days apart huh? Makes a busy week at your house! BTW, I did like those cookies...they reminded me of haystacks a little bit. My dad really liked them.
